Force Majeure People

Research Directors

Helen Harrison and Newton Harrison.  Staffing Patrick Reilly, Executive Director.The Center will function with an Executive Director, a Development Manager and retain clerical support as soon as funding permits. Consultant grants writers will be engaged as required on project-specific bases. Graduate students of UC Santa Cruz will conduct research and assigned members of the Oversight Committee will provide academic advising. The Advisory Committee Members in the Advisory Committee of the Center include Betsy Damon, Artist, Keeper of the Waters; George Lakoff of UC Berkeley; Warren Sack, Chair DANM UCSC, Ronnie Lipschutz, Professor in Department of Politics UCSC and Brent Haddad, Professor of Environmental Studies UCSC (it is intended that the Oversight Committee be enlarged and composed of 9 people. Missing from this selection is a paleo-ecologist and a plant ecologist whose research is embedded in Sierra Nevada species). In addition, leading experts in economics of climate change and the science of carbon sequestration would be appropriate for membership in the Oversight Committee.